School Ball white orchid wrist corsage and buttonhole.
All school balls wrist corsages are made using artificial blooms, therefore you have a wonderful keepsake of your special occasion, with no concerns about bruising of blooms.
The orchid wrist corsages are approximately 12 cm x 10 cm, the rose wrist corsages are approximately 11 cm x 6 cm.
Go to the School Ball Guide page to view the wristband, ribbons and flower choices and prices. You can place your order by filling out the details on the Contact Us page
Click on the images below to see the wrist corsages and button holes close up and as a side show. Each image has a description of you hover over it.
White roses, white organza ribbon with silver thread.
School Ball white orchid and black ribbon corsage.
White orchid wrist corsage, white organza ribbon, silver diamantes.
White roses, gold organza ribbon, gold diamantes, gold diamante wristband.
Orchid and rose mix with ivory satin ribbon.
White roses, ice blue satin ribbon wrist corsage.
White roses with burgundy organza ribbon.
White roses, lilac ribbon, silver diamantes, silver diamante wristband.
White rose and royal blue corsage with pearl wristband and matching buttonhole.
Orchid and rose mix with royal blue satin ribbon and added baby’s breath.
White roses, white satin ribbon, silver diamantes on wrist.
Red roses, red satin ribbon, baby’s breath.
White orchid buttonhole, white organza ribbon, silver diamantes.
Orchid and rose mix with gold organza ribbon, added baby’s breath.
White roses with gold organza ribbon.
Burgundy rose corsage and buttonhole, with thin burgundy ribbon and gold encased diamantes.
Orchids with pale pink organza ribbon.
Orchids with gold organza ribbon.
School Ball wrist corsage and rose buttonhole photo.
Orchid and rose mix with dark green satin ribbon.
White roses with 10mm burgundy organza ribbon.
Wrist corsage with orchids with black organza ribbon.
White roses, dark red thin satin ribbon.
White rose buttonhole
White rose buttonhole with thin satin deep red ribbon.
Dusty pink roses with thin dusty pink satin ribbon.
White roses with black organza ribbon.
White roses, burgundy organza ribbon, baby’s breath, pearl wristband.
Dusty pink roses, pale pink organza ribbon.
White rose buttonhole with pale pink organza ribbon.
Orchid corsage with purple organza ribbon.
Orchid buttonhole with purple organza ribbon.
Pink and white rose with pale pink organza ribbon.
White roses, purple organza ribbon.
White roses, nude satin ribbon.
Orchids with thin satin dusty pink ribbon.
White roses, ivory satin ribbon.
Orchids with white organza ribbon and silver thread.
Red roses with red organza ribbon.
White rose buttonhole with white organza ribbon.
Orchids with white organza ribbon
Burgundy rose corsage with grey organza ribbon.
White orchids, thin burgundy satin ribbon and pearl wristband.
Dusty pink roses, black with silver thread ribbon.
Burgundy rose corsage with thin burgundy satin ribbon.
White rose buttonhole with thin burgundy satin ribbon.
Orchid buttonhole with baby’s breath, white organza with silver thread ribbon.
Orchids with pale blue ball gown and ribbon.
Orchids with pale blue organza ribbon, silver wristband.
White roses, pale blue with silver thread ribbon.
White orchid corsage with dark gold organza ribbon.
Burgundy rose corsage with gold organza ribbon
Orchids with gold organza ribbon, pearl wristband.
White orchid buttonhole with gold organza ribbon.
Orchid corsage with grey with silver thread ribbon.
Dusty pink roses, black organza ribbon, baby’s breath.
Orchid corsage, black organza with gold thread ribbon, baby’s breath.
White rose buttonhole, white organza with silver thread ribbon.
Dusty pink buttonhole with white with silver thread organza ribbon.
White rose buttonhole, gold organza ribbon, added diamantes.
White rose buttonhole with gold organza ribbon.
Burgundy rose corsage, ivory with gold thread ribbon.
Red roses, white organza with gold thread ribbon.
White rose buttonhole, white organza with gold thread ribbon bow.
White rose buttonhole, gold organza ribbon, added baby’s breath.
Orchids with navy organza/satin trim ribbon, added silver diamantes.
White rose buttonhole, black organza ribbon and added baby’s breath.
Burgundy rose corsage, white with gold thread organza ribbon.
Red roses, gold diamantes, black organza with gold thread ribbon.
White rose,black organza ribbon added diamantes
White roses, ivory satin ribbon, baby’s breath.
White roses, turquoise ribbon.
Orchids with turquoise organza ribbon.
White roses, teal satin ribbon.
Burgundy rose corsage, silver diamantes, black organza ribbon.
White orchids, white organza with silver thread ribbon and baby’s breath.
White rose with navy organza ribbon.
White roses with navy organza ribbon.
Orchid with royal blue organza ribbon, diamante` wristband.
Orchid corsage with royal blue organza ribbon, diamante` wristband.
White rose buttonhole with pale blue with silver thread ribbon.
White rose button hole with thin satin dusty pink ribbon.
White rose corsage, baby’s breath, ivory with gold thread ribbon, gold diamante wristband.
Burgundy rose corsage, black organza with gold thread ribbon.
Burgundy rose buttonhole
Red rose buttonhole.
White roses, royal blue organza ribbon.
White rose buttonhole, black ribbon with silver thread ribbon.
Dusty pink rose buttonhole.
White orchids, pale pink organza ribbon on gold diamante wristband.
Red roses with red orange thin satin ribbon.
White roses, ivory satin ribbon, silver diamantes.
Burgundy rose corsage, grey with silver thread organza ribbon.
Red roses with black organza with gold thread ribbon.
White roses, pale pink organza ribbon.
Orchid and rose mix with pale pink satin ribbon.
White roses, white with gold thread ribbon, added baby’s breath.
Orchid buttonhole with fuchsia pink ribbon.
Dusty pink roses, pale pink satin ribbon, silver diamantes.
White roses, Fuchsia pink ribbon.
White roses and bright pink organza ribbon.
Red rose buttonhole with gold organza ribbon.
White roses, white satin ribbon, silver diamantes, pearl wristband.
Black roses, baby’s breath, silver diamantes, grey with silver thread ribbon corsage.
Dusty pink rose, white organza ribbon, added baby’s breath.
Orchid and rose mix with white organza ribbon and added baby’s breath.