Bridesmaids’ Bouquets are designed to complement the bridal bouquet. The colour of the bridesmaids’ bouquets are usually dictated by the colour of their gowns. Bridesmaids’ bouquets are generally smaller than the bride’s bouquet but don’t have to be. The bridesmaids’ bouquets are usually made in the posy style, but can also be designed as an arm sheaf, or additionally a loose trail design. Using silk flowers allows for excellent colour matching with the bridesmaids’ gown. The bouquets then become a lovely keepsake gift to your bridesmaids’ of your special day.

Informal posy style bouquets are designed with a more relaxed style wedding theme in mind. Flowers used in these posies are usually a reflection of the bridal bouquet. Bouquets are made to match the bridesmaids’ dress using different colours than the flowers that are in the wedding bouquet. If the bridesmaids’ dresses are a dusky pink then those tones would be picked up in these bridesmaids’ bouquets. Foliage plays just as an important part in the bridesmaid bouquet. Different foliage’s add more texture and interest to the bouquet. Benefits of artificial flowers are that colours can be matched more accurately to the gown ,as well as their durability.

These bridesmaid bouquets are more formal in appearance because they generally use only one type of silk flower en masse. Roses are often used in this style but many other silk and real touch flower types can be used such as tulips, peony roses, orchids, fangipanis and more. At Flowers Forever Perth we focus on pleasing flower and greenery combinations to create your perfect wedding bouquet. Colours of the bridesmaids’ dress can often influence the colour and type of flowers and greenery used. For example, if the bridesmaids’ gowns are lemon you may use yellow roses, combined with dark green foliage.
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